Friday 22 May 2015


VIOLENT STORMS CAUSE DAMAGE AND DEATHS ALL OVER THE world, but some times people make the consequences worse . for example  , too many people living in dangerous areas can turn a storm into a disaster
when summer brings very hot weather , many people suffer more than they need to there are a number of ways to make life  more comfortable in the heat . first of all , you can try to keep your home as cool as possible . it is best to close all the windows and curtains during the hottest part of the day . then , when it is cooler in the evening 
, you can open them up again . it is important also to keep yourself cool by wearing loose light clothes. cotton is the best material for clothes in hot weather . and finally , you should try to stay calm and relaxed . you could even try a nap after lunch , like many people who live in hot climates . in this way you are more rested and ready to enjoy the cool evening hours

scientist believe that the earth's climate may be warming up.
this trend probably began thousands of years ago . many areas of the earth used to be covered with ice that has now melted .
however, in recent years , the warming trend has speeded up . scientist think that part of the reason for this may be carbon dioxide mixes with other gases . the pollution covers the warming may be the fact that the earth's system for using up carbon dioxide and keeping the air temperature cool.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Egypt as it should be

Egypt is a country with an area of about one million square kilometres. Most of the land is desert. The amount of rain each year is very small.
Only 3% of Egypt . the land watered by the river nile . can be used for farming. Over 90%of the Egyptians live and work in this small part of the country .
In the past, Egypt grew its own food , but now , it has to import more than half the wheat it needs to feed its people . in 1989, the population of egypt was already around 55 million. With 2 new babies born every minute and people living longer lives , the population is growing fast-one and a half million  new people every year. As half of all egyptians are under 20 years of age . the population will continue to grow

Recently an Egyptian newspaper. Wrote a report on what life would be like in the year 2010 if the population continues to grow as fast as it is doing now . in cairo people would have to live in tents and travelling from one. side of the city to another would take hours . with classes of 100 pupils . schools would have to be open all day to teach everybody

To prevent such problems, the government wants  people to have smaller families . on television it shows the ideal family : father, mother and two children the average family now has a bigger number of children. Families will have to get smaller if the report in that newspaper is not to come true.

Monday 23 February 2015

where is egypt from cotton now ? from number one to zero !!!!!

Cotton has been one of Egypt’s major industries since the beginning of the nineteenth century . it is very succesful as an export. The reason for its value is the excellent quality of Egyptian cotton . it is very strong and the plants live longer than other varieties of cotton . it sometimes produces three or four crops a year.
However, the farmer’s job is not an easy one . the plants last a long time without being renewed, so they are easily attacked by insects and diseases . among these are insects, white fly and type of black fungus which covers the leaves. These can be controlled by pesticides
Recently , farmers have decided to try to solve their problems by using biological methods. This involves destroying the pests by using natural , rather than chemical means . for instance , if this crop is attacked by white fly a farmer may introduce into since most of the land in Egypt is desert , there is only a small area where cotton can be grown for this reason , farmers and scientists are constantly trying to improve farming methods so that they can produce as high yields as possible. The cotton must also be picked quickly when it is ready so that another crop can be planted immediately .
Much  Egyptian cotton is sold before the crop is planted ! in 1989 the Japanese bought all of the “giza 45”variety before the season had begun. It proved to be one of the best types of Egyptian cotton.